Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring Break Blues Have Gone Away

Usually over the break, teachers decide to throw in every single project so that the spring break fun is completely wasted due to the increased amount of work. For once I am absolutely delighted that my teachers did not decide to make me sad all spring break with tons of homework and projects. I believe the teachers need a break themselves, so they shouldn't add all this work just so they get it all during spring break. The teachers probably didn't want to grade anything anyways, especially since people were cranky due to the lack of snow days. What year is complete if there aren't any snow days? Spring break was perfect this year because the teachers planned for snow so they rushed all their lessons, but the snow did not fall. This led to a peaceful, work-free, lazy spring break. If only next year the same thing happens because that would surely be the best. In the honest opinion, nobody needs to work during a spring break. It would be cruel and unusual punishment. Hopefully people have enough common sense to stay smart and safe this spring break, but I'm going to enjoy my fun in the sun while it last.


  1. Yeah, my kids usually have the same issue before a school break. Glad you're catching a true break. Make it count!! :D

  2. I'm glad you get to enjoy spring break. When I was teaching, that was the homework I assigned, "Enjoy the break." :)

    1. That's nice... It's always appreciated when a teacher doesn't give any homework ^__^

  3. Ha! Being a part-time college lit prof myself, I can tell you that you're right! Teachers need breaks too. I'm following you now, and yeah, enjoy your break. Catherine

  4. I guess my kids are lucky, they don't seem to ever get homework over breaks. I'm glad you get to enjoy your break this year!

  5. Thanks for all the comments and it's nice to know that people understand the greatness of a Springbreak.

  6. We feel the same way about vacation projects and summer reading. Let's enjoy vacation without the work! Vacation time = family time. Glad you're getting a break!

  7. Why is it when you work and write ... you can't wait for the break so you can 'write' which doesn't seem like work at all? Lol!
